Friday, May 12, 2006

Last night was awesome. We went to Pap's place for dinner. First, we thought that we would cook and get drunk while watching DVD. Anyway, we were so tired because the class dismissed at 9.30pm so we ended up with frozen pizza and mama :D... Fortunately, we got the company who brought us the best food of the meal. It's chicken from safeway...helped us a lot. After meal, we watched DVD, Rumour has it... The story is nothing but the sentence in the movie is beautiful and hit me hard...Here're several of them...
"I drive slowly because you are in the car, sweetheart"... Dad spoke to his dauther while she's really upset that she got nothing like her family. She drives very fast...
"I didn't come here to say that I can't live without you. I can live without you but I don't want to"... So sweet!

went home at 3.30am and worked all day tired...


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